I know I haven't posted anything on my blog since March 5, so I'll keep today's post short and let you go on about your business. I started a new job in March where I commute 45 minutes each morning and each evening. Being the Content Marketing Manager for Kimmel & Associates has been keeping me pretty busy. It's a dream job where I manage a team of writers and contract out blog article assignments, edit them, and post them on the Kimmel blog.
I've since gotten a slight blog facelift as I've changed my blog header and title. I used to call it "Write Wild," with the subtitle being "On Writing. On Picture Books. On Life."
After reading Kristen Lamb's
Rise of the Machines: Human Authors in a Digital World, I decided to change up my blog title. This is the premium book for authors and how to get a digital platform. It talks about marketing and the science behind how people decide to purchase things and how books are different than most things. VERY good book! I highly recommend it!!!
Now my blog is "Christie Wright Wild." with the subtitle being "Dancing Through Time and Space." I can always change the subtitle later on as well. But at least the blog now has my name instead of only the URL using my name.
Also, Write Wild Co. is now the name of my company - all things writing related, etc. That's it for today! Told you I'd keep it short.
YOUR TURN: Have you changed anything in the past 7 months? Updated your blog? Changed a name? Bought (and read) a new helpful book (relating to ANYTHING)?
Keep on keepin' on...