Monday, April 27, 2020

You Know You're a Writer (Who Runs) [10 of 10]

When You Dread Your Days Off and Your Scheduled Rest Days

Most writers love to write, right?

And most runners love to run.

If we didn’t love writing and running, then why would we do it?

Here is the final installment of the "You Know You're a Writer/Runner When..." Series.

Rest Days Are Good For You

You know you’re a runner when you dread rest days. But if rest days are so good for you, why do we dread them? Because it means that we don’t get to run that day. Duh! I recommend writing on your running days off. Or cross-training. Because that’s good for you too.

Even on rest days, you can still go for a walk. It adds to your weekly mileage and you get to be outside in nature. So rest days are a win-win because your body needs time to repair itself and rejuvenate from pounding the pavement (or the trails).

Time Away Means a Little Perspective

You know you’re a writer when you dread your days off. Some people swear by writing every single day, no matter what. Some people have to squeeze in what little writing time they have whenever they can find it: 10 minutes here, 15 minutes there. It all adds up. And other writers write by a schedule.

My ideal writing week is Monday through Friday, just like most other jobs. That gives me the weekends off. Do I get sad? Sometimes. Do I get antsy because I “can’t” write? Sure! But that just means I’m ready to GO on Monday morning.

Plus, a little (and I do mean a little) time away from your writing can add some perspective to your writing, especially when you’re ready to start revising. On your writing days off, I recommend running.

Keep on keepin' on!

Links to the rest of the Writers Who Run “You Know You’re a Runner” and “You Know You’re a Writer” series can be accessed in the following links below.

You Know You're a Writer [1 of 10] | You Know You're a Runner [1 of 10]
You Know You're a Writer [2 of 10] | You Know You're a Runner [2 of 10]
You Know You're a Writer [3 of 10] | You Know You're a Runner [3 of 10]
You Know You're a Writer [4 of 10] | You Know You're a Runner [4 of 10]
You Know You're a Writer [5 of 10] | You Know You're a Runner [5 of 10]
You Know You're a Writer [6 of 10] | You Know You're a Runner [6 of 10]
You Know You're a Writer [7 of 10] | You Know You're a Runner [7 of 10]
You Know You're a Writer [8 of 10] | You Know You're a Runner [8 of 10]
You Know You're a Writer [9 of 10] | You Know You're a Runner [9 of 10]
You Know You're a Writer [10 of 10] | You Know You're a Runner [10 of 10]

If you enjoyed this series, then please share! Because sharing is caring!


Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Plot Synopsis of Brave

Disney’s movie, Brave, is a story about a family torn apart by pride and sewed back together through bravery and love.

In this installment of the Plot Arc Library, I bring you the five main plot points of Brave.

The Signup

The first main plot point of this story is when Merida’s parents announce her upcoming betrothal.

Without this plot point, there would be no story. There would be no race to run. Merida did not want the other clans to come. She did not want to get married. She wasn’t ready. She wanted to change this fate imposed upon her.

The Gunshot

The second plot point is when Merida runs away in an effort to change her fate. She follows the wisps deeper into the forest.

At this point, Merida’s journey has begun. She is running a marathon to reach her goal.

The Halfway Point

The third plot point of Brave comes after Merida’s mother is turned into a bear and they go looking for the witch’s cottage so Merida’s mother can be turned back into a human. They meet the legendary mean bear.

Merida begins to understand the witch’s words of caution. She starts thinking of ways that she can break the spell.

The Wall

This fourth plot point is when Merida’s father locks in her room with the tapestry after her mom leaves.

This is Merida’s lowest point. She is all alone and feels helpless and unable to act.

The Finish Line

Of course, this plot point is where I have to issue a SPOILER ALERT. Brave ends with Merida’s mother getting turned back into herself. Both of them have changed as a result of going through this journey.

Finally, Merida’s fate has changed. They understand each other better and they have a much deeper connection.

Of course, there are many, many other things that happen throughout this story, but ultimately, these are the main five plot points that frame the structure of this story.

Be brave and plot on, my friend!

If you've seen Brave, what's your favorite scene? Share your comment here.

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Outline Your Own Novel with the 5 Main Plot Points

Keep on keepin' on...



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