The 5 Main Plot Points of the Life of Jesus Christ
As I write this, Easter was about a month ago. Even though Easter is over, it's a timeless holiday that most Christians celebrate all year long. So how can taking a second look at the world's greatest hero who ever lived help you write your novel? Well, following the Marathon Method of Plotting, you'll see how even the life of Jesus follows the classic plot of the Hero's Journey.

The Sign Up
Just like any racer would never run in a race unless they first register for it, Jesus' life never would have happened unless He was born. He had to be born on the Earth before his story could truly begin.
The Gunshot
When the gunshot of a race signals the runners to take off, they embark on their journey. They accept the journey ahead and continue running (or occasionally walking) to finish the race and complete their goal.
With the life of Jesus, the Gunshot point is when John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the River Jordan to "fulfill all righteousness." He was baptized to show his willingness and acceptance of the Plan of Salvation. Once he was baptized, there was no turning back on his journey to save all mankind. He was in it to win it.
The Halfway Point
In a marathon, the halfway point represents a major accomplishment: a HALF marathon! You're halfway there!
In the life of Jesus Christ, the Halfway Point does not correlate directly to the halfway point of his years lived on Earth. If that were the case, it would have occurred when he was merely 16, but it didn't happen when he was a teen. The Halfway Point is when Jesus gathered together his twelve disciples. He is receiving help along his journey, as well as training them to continue after he's gone. This point represents reaching a major milestone.
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The Wall
The Wall is the point in a marathon when your legs are like rubber, and your feet are throbbing (more so than usual). Mental blocks are formed, and you're racked with doubt, fear, and pain. How does a runner get past the Wall? They look inside to their internal inspiration and simply keep going.
The Wall for Jesus, in the story of Easter, occurred during the events of Easter week, when Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane to redeem all mankind from sin. The Atonement is the Wall because it represents the lowest point in Jesus' life - when he redeemed all mankind. He bled from every pore because the agony was so great.
The Finish Line
Once a runner crosses the finish line, the story isn't over, but they have reached their goal. When your main character accomplishes their goal, the finish line (or climax) has been reached. The Finish Line for Jesus is when He was lifted up on the cross at Calgary and he cried out, "It is finished." Then He died.
Bonus Plot "Point": The After Party
What comes after the Finish Line? The After Party!
After three days, Jesus Christ was resurrected, the final act in his journey to help mankind reach eternal life. Because Jesus Christ was resurrected, all those who have died will also be resurrected. When Mary learned of his resurrection, she RAN to go tell the others. It was a celebration of life *and* death! The ultimate "after party" indeed!!!
When you follow the Marathon Method of Plotting, you can start writing your novel as soon as you can define these 5 main plot points in your own story.
Do you have a special request for a story, novel, or movie to be added to the Plot Arc Library? Let me know and I'll add it to the queue! Share in the comments!
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