Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I: Ideas

A writing idea is like being in the market for a new car. Your mind is exploding with possibilities. You settle on a certain make and model. Suddenly you see it everywhere! A new idea expands your mind, your horizons, your excitement, and your hope. The A to Z challenge pushes each of us to the limits and makes us think. So in the effort to keep all my posts short, I now close with this question:

What is your new idea for today? 

It doesn't have to be a shiny writing idea. It could simply be how to make an even cooler Easter egg for next year!

Keep on keepin' on...


  1. The bunnies I rescued over the weekend gave me an idea for a new story!

  2. Great! I got an idea from the newspaper the other day.

  3. I had an idea for a new character the other day :)

  4. Isn't it cool that when you open your mind to your imagination, ideas start swirling all over the place? :)


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