After Elizabeth's parents do not agree with her various suggestions for the perfect pet, she discovers a solution.Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.
Year: 2003
Word Count: 850
Book Level: 2.2
CHILDREN: We all know kids love animals and most want a pet of their own. This is definitely a fun one.
PARENTS: Gets more interesting the more you read it. Love the illustrations, too!
TEACHERS: Could use in Kindergarten or 1st grade as an intro to animals. Could be a story starter for 2nd or 3rd grades. Could help teach how to make a list and go through different ways for finding a solution.
WRITERS: Your basic problem/solution story. Elizabeth has a problem. She tries three ways to fix it. All fail. Tries one more idea, then happens across a solution. A bigger problem ensues. Acceptance happens. YOUR TURN: Try mapping out a plot that follows the same structure.
Keep on keepin' on...