Helpful Writer Resources
- *Renaissance Learning. A way to research books, invaluable!
- *Writer's First Aid, a Medicine Chest of Hope by Kristi Holl - tons of inspiration
- *The Miss Rumphius Effect - weekly rhyming challenges. You'll often find Jane Yolen and Kate Coombs hanging out here.
- *SCBWI - Carolinas Chapter.
- *Institute of Children's Literature. Lots of information, interviews, links, a whole school, forums, and a free e-newsletter.
- *ICL's Rx for Writers.
- *Rhyme Zone. Even useful for non-rhymers. Can search definitions, synonyms, antonyms, related words, and more!
- *Literary Rambles. Lots of agent advice. Short, excellent writing tips every Tuesday.
- 50 Cool Word Sites.
- WriteOnCon. Free online writer's conference every August.
- AllWords Online Dictionary. Includes five popular foreign languages.
- Grammar Girl.
- Baby Name Finder.
- Query Tracker Organize and track your query letters to literary agents and publishers.
- The CBI Clubhouse. The online home for the Children's Book Insider.
- Verla Kay's Message Board. For children's writers and illustrators.
- Book Bites for Kids on blogtalkradio.
- Writing for Children and Teens by Cynthea Liu.
- Writer's Digest. Writer better, get published.
- The Author's Guild. The nation's leading advocate for writers' interests in effective copyright protection.
- Writing Fix. Picture book prompts. Great for teachers!
- Teaching Authors - 6 Children's Writers Who Also Teach Writing
- Blogging Through the Fourth Dimension
- School Visit Experts
- Keith Schoch's Teach With Picture Books
- I Am A Reader, Not A Writer Lots of giveaways here! But not many picture books.
- Enjoy and Embrace Learning Short reviews.
- *KISS THE BOOK Has ratings of: Optional, Advisable, and Essential (from PB to YA) LOTS!
- Kid Lit Blog. Children's literature for parents.
- Scrub-a-Dub-Tub, a Reading Tub Blog. Bringing reading home for families.
- Just One More Book!! By Andrea Ross. A GREAT podcast on children's books and why we love them. Andrea is on blog sabbatical right now due to her cancer treatment. Go support her.
- Kristi's Book Nook. A great place to find books for kids.
- *Picture Book of the Day. Daily book talks by Anastasia Suen (pronounced 'soon').
- *Read for Luck, the four-leaf clover book recommendation (my contribution to Susanna Leonard Hill's PPBF, Perfect Picture Book Friday). Picture book recommendations most Fridays for children, parents, teachers, and writers.
The following are awesome blogs I've awarded The Pot-O-Gold Blogger Award to in the past. I haven't kept up with it, but I still want to share their links.

There are so many awards out there that are just for fun. I wanted to create one that was easy to "accept" and simple enough to forward to others that didn't require listing 20 random things about yourself or 20 new bloggers you've recently met.
It's an award that says, "Look at this awesome blog I know about. There is such a wealth of information here! If you visit once, you'll want to return again and again." In other words, it's like discovering a pot of gold! It's a site you will visit frequently and enjoy swimming around in for a while. For the kick-off month of March 2011, I awarded FOUR talented bloggers.
March 2011: (the first FOUR)
The Bookshelf Muse
Literary Rambles
Writer's First Aid
There Are No RulesApril 2011: I Am a Reader, Not a Writer
May 2011: Routines for Writers
June 2011: Julie Hedlund at Write Up My Life
August 2011: Alison Pearce Stevens: Scientist. Writer.
September 2011: Rachael Harrie at Rach Writes
October 2011: Ruth and Stacey at Two Writing Teachers
January 2012: Lydia Kang at The Word Is My Oyster
February 2012: Rob Sanders at Picture This! (and a few bonus blogs)
March 2012: Susanna Leonard Hill, a children's author's eye view of writing and life
April 2012: Mormon Mommy Writers
May 2012: Tara Lazar at Writing for Kids (While Raising Them)
June 2012: Corey Rosen Schwartz Blog of a Picture Book Ninja
October 2012: Jen and Kellee at Teach Mentor Texts
November 2012: Tricia Stohr-Hunt of The Miss Rumphius Effect
January 2013: Jeanne Walker Harvey of True Tales & A Cherry On Top
January 2014: Dee of I Write for Apples, home of Query.Sign.Submit.
And here are FOUR things about me (that are always changing):
- FAITH - I have FAITH in God, and in his son, Jesus Christ.
- HOPE - I HOPE for things which are not seen, but are true.
- LOVE - I LOVE the Lord with all my heart.
- LUCK - I feel LUCKY to have the family with which God chose to bless me.
Blog Awards I have received:

WOW! What a great list of resources for writers! Happy to hear you're writing, Christie!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Clara! This information was on a page tab, but I decided to turn it into a blog post and delete it from the tabs. "Writing again..." That makes me think of this AWESOME quote I found in my inbox this morning:
Delete"In the realm of ideas everything depends on the real world all rests on perseverance. " - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe