Friday, October 15, 2010

50 Follower Giveaway!

Thanks, Dave, for being my 50th follower! After nearly 9 months of blogging, I've finally reached 50 followers. To celebrate our little blogging community (and for thinking I have something valuable to offer you each week), I am hosting a giveaway to show my appreciation for all of you!

Although I am a picture book freak, a teacher, and a mom, I was also a Creative Writing/ Literature Major in College. I took the novel writing class twice (you could take it twice and get credit for each), the poetry writing class twice, and the short story writing class twice. And also the play writing class. What can I say? I love to write! So, I have extensive experience in the critiquing department. Just ask my Story Swappers critique group members (although my critiques for October were skimpy for some reason): Julie Hedlund at Write Up My Life, Megan Bickel at The Write-At-Home-Mom, Valerie Larson-Howard at Holding Space, Alison Stevens at Wistful Wanderings, and Juliette Wilk at Life Balance Massage.

So, I am giving away a critique of ANY GENRE to one lucky winner, randomly of course. To enter my "First 1500 Words Critique Contest," you must follow my blog OR follow me on Twitter.

How to enter:
  • Leave a comment below to share your favorite genre (reading and/or writing). 
  • OR tweet about the contest, mention @ChristieWild. Here's the link you can copy and paste: 
  • For a total of 5 entries, follow me in BOTH places AND do BOTH of the above (comment and tweet)!
Thanks for following me. I really enjoy talking and interacting with all of you, and getting to know you. Thanks, again. This contest will only run for 5 (and a half) days, so hurry and spread the word, and have fun! Contest ends Wednesday October 20 at 5:50 PM EDT. I will announce the winner here, and on twitter, on Thursday.


  1. Congrats on the fifty followers! Soon you'll have many more.

    This is easy. I live for YA. And within YA, I love all kinds of subgenres, depending on my mood. However, there is one requirement I have. There must be at least a romantic subplot. ;)

  2. Congratulations, Christie! I'm not entering, since I already benefit from your critiques, but that's terrific--halfway to your goal! :)

  3. I'm happy to be your 51st follower, Christie!

  4. Congrats on 50 followers!

    To answer your question, I love YA. I guess I read YA romance the most (and paranormal romance 90% of the time).

  5. Congrats for 50 followers! Hopefully this giveaway will get you many more :-)

    Fav genre (to read and write): YA with some fantasy, some mystery, some action and (of course) a love story :-)

  6. Congratulations on your 50 followers! Many more to come, I'm sure.

    Favorite genre, YA paranormal is my fav lately, but I've really enjoyed some historical fiction, dystopian, and non-fiction science and religion type books. I know, too many. I think my favorite 5 books of all time fit into each of these categories though. :)

  7. Congrats on your first 50 followers. I write PB, MG, and YA. If I won, I would love for you to critique my PB, because I'm really trying to figure out the intricacies of that genre. Also I can't draw, so I don't have the author/illustrator thing working for me.

  8. Congrats on 50 followers! Don't put me in the drawing, though, because I don't have anything for you to critique. :) As far as genre: I don't do scary things. Other than that, if it will sit still, I will read it.

  9. Hi everyone - Christie gives very comprehensive and thoughtful critiques. I'm not entering, but if you win, consider yourself lucky!

  10. Congratulations! :D

    And I'm a YA addict, reallyy! ^.^

  11. Congrats! I write mostly PB but I have a few YA WIP's. I also love MG!

  12. Hey Christie, congrats on 50 followers!!! I'm living for YA at the moment, particularly Paranormal with a good dash of Horror ;)


  13. Oh, I didn't realize you were in a crit group with Julie Hedlund! I am following you here and on Twitter.

  14. Corey, Yes Julie is amazing. Tweet about this contest and get five entries! What's your favorite genre? PB's?

  15. I follow you both places! And I love upper MG and YA. Congrats!

  16. Hi! My favorite books are almost always MG or YA. I'm currently revising my first novel (MG fantasy)

    Have followed and will tweet!

  17. Contest is now closed. Thanks so much to all who participated. More contests to play soon - win books!

    Ran all names and entries through and Laura Pauling came out on top! Congratulations, Laura! E-mail me your ms as a Word attachment and I'll send it back with lots of comments. Looking forward to reading your work.


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