Don't quit reading. It's gonna be a rambler, but hopefully a short one. And the writing message is... DREAM BIG. Don't give up on your dreams.
Friday, I spent all day going through my children's toys. I ended up with a bag of trash, and a bag of toys to donate. There are no toys in the living room now. All toys are organized into tubs and buckets and bins and shelves and boxes and bags, okay, okay, I know, you get the picture. Seriously. All day! Writing? ZERO! Christmas decorating? ZERO!
What about Saturday, you ask. Nope. ZILCH-O there, too. I spent all morning preparing for the party and last-minute cleaning. We ate. We partied. I cleaned. Then I went shopping. Got home at dinner time. Helped hubby prep living room for new paint job.
And finally today. Writing? Decorating? Nope, nope, and nope. I worked for all day. Pizza and chips for dinner. And my entire pantry sprawled out all over my kitchen island!!! When hubby goes to do something, it's never simple! So now we have to buy new (sturdy) cabinets because he discovered current ones are collapsing from cheap backing and glue. Good thing we never got around to staining them. That would have been a an eventual waste of time, money, and effort.
And that's why I'm feeling doubt, depression, and disturbance about not decorating. My house is cluttered up because of a crazy painting project that's gonna take weeks instead of hours. I'm beginning to wonder if I'll even get to put up a Christmas tree. I feel like I have no time for anything. So right now, instead of writing or decorating, I'm blogging. Go figure. But I won a book today. Didn't even know it, but it came in the mail today. That was fun. And I have all of you, my online friends, who commented over the weekend and made me feel D-elighted!
Okay, I lied. It's not short. Pretend like you're reading in my journal. Anyway, the state of NC is going to lay off 5,000 more teachers next year. And since I'm a teacher as of December 2007, and I've never gotten a permanent job as of yet, I'm beginning to lose all hope that I ever will. Often I told myself that I'd honestly rather write anyway. But it's hard when doubt and depression creep in and try to wrestle my mood to the ground. I watched an hour of TV with my son. Like that's productive. I only watch TV when I'm depressed or when I'm looking forward to an awesome show (like LOST) with my hubby. I rarely watch it by myself.
I'm just happy I have a job at all right now. So I'm going to pick myself up off the floor and find the time and energy to do the things that make me happy. I even walked for twenty minutes each day for the last four mornings! Doubt and Depression don't mix. So just DREAM BIG instead...