Friday, July 23, 2010

A Writing Diet

Okay.  So I am now on a diet.  I've never actually gone on one before.  But I'm determined.  Hope to be a size 8 by my birthday in 9 months.  It's only 3 dress sizes, but "eating right" just isn't enough for me, so I am counting calories - strictly.  And carbs, too.  I've counted fat grams before, and protein grams.  And even loosely counted calories combined with running (training for a 10K).  That worked, and I lost 15 pounds, but a year and a half later, it's all back.  I just spent $31 on produce!  And $32 on "slim fast" and beef jerky!  I'm in Day 4, and already lost 2.5 pounds!  After the first month, it'll slow down to about a pound a week.  Works for me!  I've always only been able to lose a pound a month (except for the 10K time), with exercise alone, albeit sporadic nonetheless.

So what does this have to do with writing?  Well apparently my learning curve for losing weight is taking front seat to all my energies, so I have inadvertently been on a writing diet, as a by-product.  I spent two whole days reading my new diet/exercise book (thrift store find).  I've barely been able to squeeze in a moment for my blog posts, but I managed.  When I "master" my cooking and menu options, my time will once more be maximized for more regular writing.  I'm really not procrastinating.  I REALLY want to do some writing!!!  But I've been procrastinating good health for far too long.  Who knows?  Maybe I'll write about it some day.

Keep on keepin' on!

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